Since 2018, I have been creating immersive Augmented Reality musical works that can be experienced through a Smartphone app and headphones. I have created works in the UK (two in Manchester and one in West Yorkshire), The Netherlands (Amsterdam and Groningen) and Malaysia (Kuala Lumpur). These works formed the portfolio for a practice-based PhD that I completed in February 2024. I have presented these works at conferences in Lisbon, Barcelona, Leeds, Canterbury, Huddersfield, Derry/Londonderry and Groningen. I have also published numerous papers and a book chapter on these works. I have received awards both for the works themselves, and for my writing on them.
By clicking through the links below, you can discover more about each of my works; you will find trailers, walkthrough videos, field recordings, photos and maps. Between them, these resources should start to give you a sense of each work. Justice, Freedom, Peace, Memory, Taman Tugu: Interference/Resistance and Soundpaths: Heptonstall can be experienced in the Echoes app. Both Soundpaths: Manchester works and Soundpaths: NDSM can be experienced in the Soundpaths app which can be downloaded via the link below.